LinkedIn is one of my fave platforms, despite the hideous design and its lack of #cool factor. It’s pretty easy to make shit happen on LinkedIn, because it seems like you’re ‘closer’ to all these successful + powerful people than you are on Instagram.

If you’re not sure if you should be on LinkedIn, here are some of the ways it can help you out:
⚡️Connecting with famous people.
I got Nick Clegg to record a special video for a conference I organised in 2016, by messaging his PA on LinkedIn -- she invited me to Parliament to hang out with him about a week later.
⚡️Getting press.
LinkedIn also helped me get mentioned in Forbes: a matter of perfect lucky timing. I connected with someone looking for contributors for an article. Connect with journos at your dream publications and keep an eye out for opportunities.
⚡️Networking galore!
I actually also connected with the gorge Lucy Werner, of The Wern, on LinkedIn before anywhere else -- I saw a post of hers about her book at the very start of October. I ended up interviewing Queen Wern, connecting on LinkedIn and discovering her whole crew of amazing female entrepreneurs.
⚡️If you want to grow your profile as a public speaker, you can connect easily with the events managers at co-working spaces.
⚡️If you sell a physical product, use LinkedIn to connect with potential stockists.
Want to get involved in the LinkedIn hype?
First things first make sure you’ve got a fleshed-out profile by using this mini-checklist:
✔️ Your headline: This is what people see whenever your profile appears at the side of the page, so make sure it encapsulates what you do. This section affects where you show up in searches, so include some key words related to your industry
✔️ Your ‘about’ section: Unlike a Twitter or IG bio, space isn’t an issue, so use this section to give an overview of your professional background + how you can help potential clients. Make sure you link any relevant web pages + publications to your ‘about’ section. Don’t just link your website homepage -- consider linking your services page instead.
✔️Licences & Certification: A nice chance to show off any cool, exciting or useful certifications you have
✔️ Volunteering: This is a great way to show yourself as well-rounded person, and gives some insight into how you spend your free time
✔️ Skills & Endorsements: You pick the skills you want to list, and then LinkedIn invites your contacts to endorse you for them. This section is also connected to the algorithm -- recruiters or agencies can search filtering for skills people have, so make sure to list everything that’s relevant to your job + where you want to be in the next 6 months
✔️ Recommendations: A handy little section grouping testimonials together. You can send LinkedIn contacts a request to recommend you -- I often do this with clients, and then copy and paste the testimonial onto my website etc. It’s nice because people who are considering working with you can easily check out the person who recommended you to see if they’re legit/ trustworthy
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